Masonry Staining Services for Retail, Educational and Medical Facility Owners
Business owners can rely on Exact Match to assist with branding, revamping or updating the appearance of your building or complex, and all in a maintenance free way which increases the value of the property and boosts image, traffic, sales and profit. Whether interior masonry or exterior, and whatever the specific result or aesthetic needed, Exact Match can provide a plan of action for consideration. We do serve nationwide, and nationally recognized companies like Victoria’s Secret, McDonald’s, Rite Aid, CVS Pharmacy, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Kohl’s and more, as well as regional companies such as Kroger and Centric Bank have expressed completely satisfaction with their results. We have successfully performed work for Saint Francis Trauma Emergency Center in Tulsa Oklahoma, Aultman Hospital System, Wellspan Health, and many colleges and universities from the State University of NY system to Harvard, Yale, Wesleyan University, UPenn Wharton School of Business, University of Maryland, and so many more, Exact Match can customize an entire chain, unify branding on areas of a medical or educational campus with consistent, high quality color palettes that endure and enhance branding, update one location or match a repair as needed. Reach out today with questions, or for your quote or plan of action.
Our Work
See why Exact Match Masonry Staining™ is the only industry-wide accepted, non-invasive and cost effective answer for home owners’ needs. Click on an image below or visit Our Gallery Page.